Computer Instruction
Learn at your own pace, from home or in the library!
NEW! Digital Navigators offer free consultation and learning sessions for digital literacy. Our Digital Navigators can help you with any technical questions and issues you have. We believe that digital literacy is an attainable goal for all patrons, and we want to help you feel comfortable with the technology in your life.
Northstar Digital Literacy Offers online tutorials to help you grasp a wide variety of digital skills – from computer basics to Microsoft Office to social media and your digital footprint, and more. Plus, test your knowledge through the online assessments, so you’ll know which areas you’ve mastered and which ones need a little practice. All you need is an email address to sign up!
Learning Express Provides self-paced online tutorials through its Computer Skills Center. Examples of topics include computer maintenance, email, Microsoft Office, and more. Create an account with your C. H. Booth Library card and log in.
Google Applied Digital Skills is a free resource to learn practical digital skills using a project-based video curriculum. Learn how to use Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Photos, and more.
GCFLearnFree Offers 125 tutorials, including more than 1,100 lessons, videos, and interactives, completely free.
TechBoomers Free site teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users basic computer skills. Learn about a wide variety of websites, apps, and more.